Author Archives: Mike

About Mike

I'm a Jesus freak who loves to incite others to fall in love with Him too. Born-Again at 26, I've served Him more than half of my life and look forward to our blessed after-life (which I believe is soon!!). My greatest desire is to infect and affect others with the same eternal perspective.

Election Word (2008)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The elections have past and many have become distraught over decisions that have been made—choices our nation ran with.  Questions regarding the fate that will follow those choices are flooding many hearts and minds.  While it is evident the … Continue reading

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Prophetic Word

(Originally titled “Word of Encouragement”) January 10th, 1990 There is coming a darkness on the Church like never before. Deceivers, and those being deceived. Walk in the Light and the darkness will not overtake you as one who was unprepared. … Continue reading

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Word of the Lord

Our God is an awesome God! Here’s an interpretation of other tongues: “I am God Almighty and I will show Myself strong on behalf of ANYONE who’ll have the nerve enough to believe Me!” (then, He continued) “I will put … Continue reading

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A “Word” After Prayer

May 4th, 2006 Today we celebrated the National Day of Prayer. It was a glorious time in the Lord and much was accomplished in the spirit. At the end of my pastor praying, this word from the Lord came to … Continue reading

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Where’ve You Been

Growing up there were tell-tale signs that would give away what you had been doing. Your mother would ask, “Just where have you been?”  Maybe your pants were muddied.  Perhaps your face had chocolate on it, or the like. Then having … Continue reading

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The Two Sides of Faith

“Have the faith of God. (margin rendering)  For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe … Continue reading

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True Worship

“..the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.” (John 4:23) Before I talk about worship, I want to bring out … Continue reading

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Three Words

Beloved: Just this morning I came across possibly the most anointed three words one could ever use in prayer. You’ve probably heard them, even said them yourself. I’m sure I’ve heard teaching on them…even taught of them myself; but something … Continue reading

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The Runner

I want to share with you an encouraging word that was given to me Sunday morning when the music team gathered to pray before the service: “We need to approach this service (day) like it was the ‘last leg’ of … Continue reading

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The Day of Visitation

I want to talk about the day of visitation. I’ve looked up every reference found in the Word of God about the subject and prayed for God to reveal to me what He’s wanting to say today. The subject has … Continue reading

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