Identifying With Christ 2

The word I have to speak today is probably the strongest yet most controversial I’ve ever been impressed to write. That’s OK, I’ve settled it with the Lord to speak what He tells me and not be concerned with the persecution that comes from misunderstanding.  I am convinced God has given me a prophetic voice for this last hour to speak His heart on some things (before you pick up any stones—read on!; I said that for your learning, not that anyone would think anything great of me!  Outside of Jesus, I know I’m NOTHING!!).

Furthermore, I’m fully aware the messages I have are not the ONLY messages the Father has to say, and I’m not the ONLY one speaking His will.  So having prefaced with that, I want to talk about identifying with Christ.

While Jesus walked the earth over 2000 years ago, He was a man.  He never stopped being God, but Philippians 2:7 tells us He “made Himself of no reputation.”  What does that mean?  The margin rendering (another way the Greek could have been translated) says He emptied Himself of His privileges, or the very qualities of God that makes Him God.

The four Gospel accounts portray Jesus in each ‘role’ we would later walk in.  He is the Apostle, He is the Prophet, He is the Evangelist, He is the Pastor and He is the Teacher.  Even further: He is the gift given (one who prophecies in proportion to our faith, who ministers, who teaches, who exhorts, who gives with liberality, who leads with diligence, who shows mercy with cheerfulness [Romans 12]).

Having said that, if you’ve been born again the scripture teaches you’ve been baptized into Christ by the Spirit of God (see 1 Corinthians 12:13); you’re IN HIM!  2 Corinthians 5:20 says: “Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us!”  Did you get that?  The only way God is going to speak to this world is through you and I.  So imagine yourself as an extension of Jesus (being extended from Him—that’s what an ambassador is, an extension of someone else, speaking or conducting business on their behalf), in that sense we all have a prophetic voice.

The only reason I said anything about having a prophetic voice for this hour is to help you understand I have discovered one of the extensions of Jesus into this earth He has made me to be.  You, too, are to be an extension of Jesus this hour—whatever that may be.  Let’s grow up and stop quibbling over titles and such and just allow Jesus to manifest through us in whatever way He has chosen.  Fussing about it isn’t going to change anything anyway; “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it!”

Identify with Him, be at peace and filled with joy over what He’s doing through you and the glory of the Lord shall be seen upon you!  Nations shall come to the brightness of your shining as Jesus is lifted up in your life and we shall be caught up together with Him shortly!

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Identifying With Christ

(October 3, 2005)

I want to talk today about identifying with Christ Jesus (the anointed One and His anointing). If you’ve called on the name of the Lord to be saved then you’re IN HIM!  Yes, scripture teaches that you’ve become a new creature (a new species of being), and that you’ve been regenerated by the work of the Holy Ghost.  But did you know that the same Holy Ghost caused you to be placed IN HIM?  1 Corinthians 12 says: “For by one Spirit we were all baptized (submerged) INTO one body” v.13.  Colossians One puts it this way: “He has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated (transferred; margin) us into the kingdom of the Son of His love” v. 13.  OK, so in Mike Leach terms: God took us out from the kingdom and control of darkness and placed us in His kingdom when we were born-again.

The position we have in His kingdom is IN HIM (Jesus).  We’re seated together with (in) Him, yet while still on this earth we’re His ambassadors.  An ambassador is one who represents another; in this case we represent heaven where our citizenship is from.  The problem is: we’ve identified more with our religion than with Him.  I’ve stopped saying that I’m a Christian (half of America thinks they are!), I now say I’m a man of God!

So how does one truly identify with Christ?  Jesus said: “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes…IN ME the works that I do he shall do also” (John 14:12a).  Did you get that?  First: you have to believe (I’m writing these “words” to help us all believe).  Next: it’s IN HIM (Jesus) that we do the works that He’s doing—cooperating with Him and what He’s doing and wanting to do THROUGH US!

Now let’s look at what could be a controversial scripture.  In John chapter nine the disciples ask Jesus a question of whose sins caused a man to be born blind.  [First let me mention that scripture was NOT written with punctuation’s, the translators added them for the purpose of clarifying what’s being said.  So, I’m not bordering blasphemy by arranging them to better clarify what the Spirit of God is saying.]

John 9:3-4a: “Jesus answered, ‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned (which caused this blindness).  But that the works of God should be revealed in him, I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day’” (parenthesis mine).  Do you see it?  So if we’re going to work the works of Him who sends us… “Today, if you will hear His voice, harden not your heart.”  Do you realize you could very well be the only “Jesus” your co-worker, loved one or neighbor might ever come in contact with? Let’s identify with Him!  Let’s work His works!  “When you’re involved in doing God’s work, He’ll see to it yours is done” (the Holy Ghost just said that in me).  I love you all!

Side note: some of these writings are dated to emphasize just how pertinent the Holy Spirit is, regardless of lapse of time. 

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How Big Is God?

September 26th, 2005

Beloved: I want to share a revelation with you on just how big God is. Ephesians 3:20 from the Amplified Bible says: “Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams.”

Let that soak in for a minute.  The New King James Version says: “…who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think…”  Exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think!

Now for the revelation…the Lord showed me that once He’s done something for us (or revealed something to us), we can now imagine it, ask for it or think about it.  This scripture tells us that He can do above and beyond what we can ask or think!  Once we can think of something—He can DO above and beyond it!!  Do you see it?  There’s no end to just how big our God is!!

Earlier in this same letter Paul wrote: “that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace.” (2:7a)  Grace is God’s power (and willingness to use it on our behalf) to accomplish His will in this natural world in which we live.  It will take eternity to even begin to understand the love that He has for us!

How big is God?  Bigger than you and I can imagine!

I included the date I received this revelation to show the witness of the Spirit, for He showed me this months before I heard Brother Copeland preach it (not that I’m comparing myself with him — PLEASE!!).

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Holy Violence

I want to give the devil a black-eye today (and everyday!)!!  Scripture says: “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and THE VIOLENT TAKE IT BY FORCE”  (Matthew 11:12).

I want us to get violent today! Yes, RIGHT NOW! Let me ask you this question…if Jesus were to come back TODAY would you be caught doing the will of the Father?

Could that possibly be what Jesus meant when He said: “…when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)?  After all, we understand that faith begins where the will of God is known.

Our Great Commission (commandment) is to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature [make disciples of all nations]” (Mark 16:15 & Matthew 28:19a combined).

Now that doesn’t necessarily mean that every one of us are to physically go, but we can: 1) PRAY; 2) Send others [partnering with someone who’s doing the going]; 3) Witness [here in America we have representations of all nations…witness with your life first, then they’ll hear your words about Christ!].

The task is simple — just live your everyday life with an awareness of: 1) God inside you and around you and 2) His all consuming desire to touch the lives of those around YOU with Him…His love…His peace…His joy, etc.

Let me just encourage you in this fact – you’re probably not going to feel like it.  You may be aching somewhere in your body (head, joints or wherever) or you may have an extremely tight schedule and no time left for anything else…“O My Father, if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it, Your will be done” was the prayer Jesus was found praying just before He went to the cross to REDEEM YOU FROM DESTRUCTION.

We need to become better at prioritizing our time and involvements.  Press through the pain of laying your life down for another!  He’s coming!  He’s coming!  He’s coming!!  That’s what the Holy Ghost is saying!

I truly and deeply love each and everyone of you!

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The Lord spoke to my heart some years ago saying:

“I want you to announce to My people that they are living in the land of Goshen.”  As I have pointed out before, when the Lord speaks something to our hearts (if it’s truly the Lord) the initial revelation or understanding comes with it.  In this case the revelation being: God making a difference or distinguishing His people above others who aren’t in covenant relationship with Him.

Remember back in the book of Exodus the plagues that came on the Egyptians prior to the Israelites exiting their land?  The plague of darkness that covered the land of Egypt; a darkness so intense it could be felt!?  Let’s look at it: “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Stretch out your hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, darkness which may be felt.’… and there was thick darkness in all the land of Egypt … But all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings” (Exodus 10:21-23).

The points I want to make are: 1) This darkness was so dark it could be felt.  I was granted a vision in the early part of 2003 and in the vision I saw the planet Earth covered with a thick, tar-like darkness, a darkness that could be felt!  Are you ‘feeling’ the effects of darkness around you?  Isaiah prophesied: “For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people” (60:2). The second point is: 2) The Lord making a difference between His people and the people of the world).  The vision continued with shafts of light (a light so bright, it resembled laser light or lightening) bubbling up and bursting forth through the darkness!  Isaiah 60:2 continues with: “But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.”

The glory of God speaks of His Presence and provision.  In Exodus 33 Moses said to the Lord: “Please, show me Your glory” (v18). His response was: “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord” (v.19a).  Jehovah said His goodness was His glory, and the name of the Lord (everything He’s promised is in that name!).

Scripture also teaches there was a great transference of wealth [provision] before they left Egypt: “Now the children of Israel…asked from the Egyptians articles of silver, articles of gold and clothing.  And the Lord had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians…Thus they plundered the Egyptians” (Exodus 12:35-36).  “…the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous” (Proverbs 13:22b, see also Ecclesiastes 2:26).

It has come into my heart that the exodus of the children of Israel is symbolic of our departure (what we call the rapture).  Yes, it truly happened, but I also believe it was a pattern of events we’ll experience before we leave this planet.  Not specific, like the individual judgments God passed on their ‘gods’ (the Word of the Lord has spoken to me of judging our cultures’ ‘gods’…like the carnal security found in the weekly paycheck).  That’s a whole other teaching, though.

God is making a difference in the lives of His true church (the body of Christ), and we’ll get in on it by aligning our lives with Him and the fresh Word He’s speaking to each of us daily.  “He who has an ear to hear…”

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Go Back

I’d like to begin by sharing a mini-vision I had some years ago. The vision was of a little country church my aunt and cousins went to.  God was really visiting them and great things were on the horizon for them.  In the vision I saw the ceiling of the building open up and what looked like a ladder stretching from Heaven to earth going right through it.  The blessings of God were coming down by way of that ladder, angles carrying them and then returning to get more.  You say, “What happened to that church?  How come we don’t hear of it anymore?”  Well, just like everything God does for and through people, the devil tries to come in and destroy the work of God.  As in this case, that church no longer exists.

So just because the vision didn’t come to pass fully, does that mean it wasn’t from God?  No.  Visions and revelations that come from God are His will concerning the things they’re about, but the cooperation of the people involved will determine whether they come to pass or not.  God has a great plan for all of our lives.  Our cooperating with Him will determine it’s success.  Let me go out on a limb here.  I believe Adolph Hitler was called to be an evangelist.  The gifting to convince people was there, only the devil came in and capitalized on it, using it to destroy millions of lives instead of saving them.  Only when a heart is truly devoted to God can the gifting within it be used for His glory.

Now I’ve got you wondering (possibly) what you’ve been called to do.  Well let me ask you this question: first and foremost, are you delighting yourself in the Lord?  Pursuing Him daily with no other agenda?  If so you have a promise from Him that He will give you the desires of your heart.  Another way to say it is: He will put desires in your heart from His as you delight yourself in Him.  What do you like to do?  Or, what do you find yourself doing a lot of with pleasure?  With pleasure?  Yes, with pleasure!  Jesus said He came to give us a life to enjoy and that His yolk was easy and His burden light.

In his day Paul’s companions could have judged that Paul really missed it.  That he was out of the will of God.  Read in his second letter to the Corinthians the things he endured (4 & 11), yet he called them “light afflictions” (4:17).  In short, a demon was sent from Satan to beat him up, to get him to stop spreading the Gospel (which includes all the good news of God’s involvement in our everyday lives).  When he prayed, asking for the removal of this trouble, the answer came, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” (12:9).  Allow me to paraphrase: “My power and all of the tools I’ve given you to use are enough for you to conquer AND ENDURE (get through to the victory).”  That’s grace!  God’s strength and ability enhancing our weaknesses (inability to produce results) to enjoy the quality of life and victory He enjoys!

I named this encouraging word “Go Back” because I’m hearing the Spirit of God calling us to go back to the dream or vision we may have had at one time but have allowed to slip away.  Maybe things haven’t turned out the way we thought they would, so we’ve gotten discouraged and given up.  Perhaps all hell has broken out against you and the pressure to quit has been too great!  Jesus said the devil comes for the Words’ sake to choke it out of our lives and prevent it from maturing.  Yes, the black and white on paper we call the Bible, but also the Word God has spoken to your heart concerning His will for your life.  The devil can’t prevent the Word from coming to pass, but if he can talk you out of “continuing therein unto,” then he has nothing to worry about.  Let’s return to our first love and passionately pursue Him and His will for our lives!

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From the Father

A lot of times the Lord will speak some things to me to encourage me, and then as I mull it over in my spirit and mind I understand that it would be a blessing to others as well.

So here is what He said to me: “It’s time to shake off the shackles of condemnation that sinks you into the valley of death!  If you’ve committed sin and have truly repented before Me of it—it’s gone!  Keeping your attention on it by remembering it, rehearsing it and beating yourself up over it weighs you down and hinders you from running your race.

“The devil would have you think that you’ve messed up and lost ground, but I would have you know that true repentance keeps you in stride—and your heart, which is after Me, is what I look at.

“Yes, lay aside the sin, but also every weight that so easily ensnares you.  A weight is anything that is designed to hinder your walk with Me and the race I’ve called you to.  My Spirit will deal with you as you pray and open your heart to Me concerning what you should lay aside.

“If from within the deep your peace is not disturbed, then don’t trouble yourself about it (nor let anyone else trouble you, including the devil or his self-appointed judges that are in your life).

“I love you so much!  And I need you whole and unhindered in this hour!”—Abba


I count it a great privilege to stir you up and encourage you to get out of the boat of worldly comfort and same-ole same-ole!

Just take a moment right now and ask the Lord if there’s a little something out of the ordinary you can do for Him today…maybe say a brief prayer for someone (you know it’s not the lengthy sermon-prayers that God hears, it’s the word-based / faith filled ones).

Try something new…approach God on the line of our covenant (what He’s said and requires) rather than how you may feel about a thing.

It’s the little acts of obedience (here a little, there a little) that will add up to the big picture of His overall plan for planet earth.

He probably isn’t going to ask you to start a world-wide outreach, so don’t panic.  Just be a light of His glory to the corner of the world you’re in.  If that means interrupting your busy schedule for a few minutes, then do it, He’ll make up any lost time.

Become eternally minded…meaning, weigh each day in the balance of eternity with the knowledge that the time is coming (very soon!) when we will give an account for what we did with what He gave us, our talents, time and money.

If you even remotely think that God is impressing you to do something that’s never been done before—do it!  He’ll always give you the grace (empowerment) to do His will!!

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First Love

The first Wednesday night of this year (1-04-2006), the word-of-the-Lord came unto me saying: “I want My people to return to their first love.” When I shared this with our church, the Lord continued by saying: “Like in the beginning of your walk with Me when you would approach My Word with tears in your eyes and had to wipe them away to read.  Or when the pastor or some preacher would say, ‘Turn to such-n-such,’ and your heart would leap with excitement to hear what the scripture and preacher had to say!  Not with, ‘Oh, I’ve heard that one before,’ then your mind leaves the service and goes shopping somewhere.”

As I’ve pondered this thought, I’ve been reminded every day of the exercise I used to do over twenty years ago (if you’ve never heard of doing this, it’ll be great for you to start!), that exercise is: take the two prayers in the book of Ephesians Paul prayed for them, and pray them for yourself replacing ‘you’ and ‘your’ with ‘my’ and ‘I’, etc.

I won’t type them in their entirety, but I’ll start you off and then you and the Holy Ghost can take it from there.

The two prayers are found in Ephesians 1:17-23 & 3:14-21. They go something like this: “That the God of my Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of my understanding being enlightened; that I may know what is the hope of His calling” (that’s 1:17-18a).  I’ve italicized the changes.

Chapter three would be the same: “…that He would grant me…that Christ may dwell in my heart” (from vv. 16 & 17).

You can do the same with Colossians 1:9-14: “…that I may be filled with the knowledge of His will.”  These are powerful prayers the Spirit of God inspired Paul to pray and record for us.  They stir up the spirit of faith and open our hearts and minds to receive directly from God His plans that He has for us (Oh, I better quit before I start preaching!).

In closing, I want to say a little more about having a prophetic voice in this hour.  A prophetic voice is simply one that speaks the heart of God on any matter.  The under-lying message will always exalt the Lordship of Jesus and it will minister faith to the hearer.  We all are instructed to stir up love and good works in each other as we see the Day of Christ approaching.  That’s done by the prophetic voice; a word in due season.  As we meditate the scriptures, allowing the Word of Christ to dwell in us richly, receiving the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, we all can speak what the Father is saying in this hour and His glory will be released through each one of us!  [Now you did it, you made me get to preaching!!]

I dearly love every one of you!  You want to shout?  Read Psalm 20!  In His Love.  Mike.

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Fast Unbelief

Recently our Pastor asked for those who are willing to join together with him for the breakthrough unto the next level we were all sensing, by fasting and praying. Not that fasting provokes God to do something, but the denial of the flesh positions us to hear from God His direction and helps us to align our lives with what He already wants to do (and is doing); just like turning a camera lens to bring into focus the image you’re wanting to take a picture of, or tuning in a radio station on an older-type radio.

I immediately began to ask the Lord to direct me what it was He wanted me to fast.  Before I get into His response I’d like to clarify the true meaning of fasting.  As I said earlier, fasting is denying your flesh of something.  But it’s not just the denial (or stopping something) that fully defines fasting, it’s what you do in its place as well.

Let’s look at Isaiah 58: “Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke…share your bread with the hungry…bring to your house the poor…cover the naked…THEN  your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily…the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard…(when) you call, the Lord shall answer… ‘Here I am’ … IF you take away the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness…your darkness (gloom) shall be as the noonday.  The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought…” (verses 6-11).  The rest of that chapter is wonderful as well, but I think you get the picture.

If you really think about it, this sounds a lot like the ministry of Jesus (which we are in and a part of).  So what did the Lord speak to me?  This could be a personal word, but I believe the entire Body of Christ could stand to practice this as well: Live a fasted lifestyle!  Yes, keep the dictates of the flesh under the control of the real you (the hidden man of the heart – the spirit man).  Paul said: “But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified” (1 Corinthians 9:27).  Actually, it would be good to read from verse 19 on to get the whole thought.

Are we in the last of the last days, or not?  Do you think we can continue with the same old school of thought and activity?  Is God doing any changing to conform to our lifestyles so His work can get done?  In order to be a part of a drastic move of God, we must make some radical and drastic changes in our own lives.

So why is this teaching called “Fast Unbelief”?  Because, that’s the most common thing we all need to ‘tighten-up’ on and get rid of in our lives: unbelief.  To tap into the power of God it takes faith and the opposite of faith is unbelief.  Let’s not make Jesus look very hard to find faith when He returns!

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“No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier” (2 Timothy 2:4).

The Lord has placed it on my heart in recent times that we all must prioritize our lives and activities each day we live.

What do I mean by that?  I mean we must reevaluate everything we’re involved in: work, hobbies, church (yes, we all have our place in the Body of Christ and in order to be the most effective in the purpose of God, we must accurately be in place putting our hands to what He has designed and desired for us to do), etc.  Asking ourselves: “Is this God’s plan for me?”

Let’s go a little deeper.  We’re all aware of warfare, it touches each of our lives every day; and I’m convinced we’ll never see an end to it in this lifetime.  On the battle field the soldier is completely focused on what he’s doing there.  He’s not juggling between this activity and that, his total being is involved in the goal of warfare; defeating his enemy and establishing what he’s gone to war for.  He’s been enlisted to accomplish a job for his country and government.  To be most effective, a good soldier cannot even touch with his thought life what’s happening elsewhere; the economy, job lay-offs and so on, his focus must be the ‘job’ he has been enlisted to do.

We who are in the Body of Christ have been enlisted as well.  Our Lord and Master has given us instruction to occupy until He comes (see Luke 19:13).  The term ‘occupy’ in this reference is a military term and it means to maintain possession and control of a place.  Jesus has already conquered the realm of darkness and made an open show of them. In fact, through death He rendered powerless, entirely idle and useless the devil, who had the power of death (see Colossians 2:15 [NKJV] & Hebrews 2:14 [WNT] also Strongs).  He has already taken possession and control, our job is to maintain what He has already accomplished through His death, burial and resurrection.  We are His Body, He’s the head, but we are His hands, feet and so forth.  Now we’ve been commissioned to go and do His works. To better put it: we are called to be ambassadors for the Kingdom of Heaven (see 2 Corinthians 5:20).

An ambassador is a diplomatic official and resident representative of another kingdom or country.  They have full authority to act in behalf of the kingdom they are from.  Paul wrote, “our citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3:20a).  Then Jesus, before He ascended into Heaven, commanded His disciples to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.  Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons.  Freely you have received, freely give.” (Mark 16:15 & Matthew 10:8).

My question at this point is why don’t we see more of our job-description being lived out?  Could it be (at least one of the reasons) that we have been entangled with the affairs of this life?  Our own little empire?  ‘Us four and no more’?  While those around us are suffering the effects of the fear of death Jesus died to release them from!?!?

I’m not pointing any fingers, we’ve all been guilty of being internalized and ‘what about me?’ plagued.  So much so that we’ve come up with every excuse in the book why we shouldn’t invade somebody else’s space and get into their business about their need for a Savior.  After all, it wouldn’t be politically correct to announce there’s only one true God and He “commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained” (Acts 17:30b-31a).

Don’t be weighed down by these words, let them lift you unto action.  I’m not saying we must quit our jobs, leave our families and launch out into the world to preach the gospel.  Let your life preach the goodness of God right where you’re at.  Just make sure your attitude and focus are that of identifying with Christ and what He’s asking (requiring) of you this last hour.  The Great Day we all long for is coming (soon) and we’ll have to give an account for the things we’ve done while in these bodies of ours.

Here’s some helpful things to think on:  “you are not your own, you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Corinthians 6:19b-20).  “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20a).  “Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men” (Colossians 3:23).  Lastly, Paul wrote, “For though I am free from men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more” (1 Corinthians 9:19).  These will untangle any life!  Bless you!

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