Driven By Love

As I was coming home this morning (12/20/05) after dropping my children off at school, fellowshipping with the Lord, an urgency arose within my heart. I received this revelation: God is raising up an army, but it’s not like we may have thought before; this army was bloodied and bruised — but determined! This army was an army filled with and motivated (DRIVEN) by LOVE!

This army had seen some battles. And they knew that the battles weren’t going to end any time soon. So, instead of giving up and quitting — they just kept pressing forward!!

You see, the devil knows his time is short and he’s focusing his attention primarily on those who have determined to obey God and fulfill His purpose on this earth.

We must have the mind-set that no matter what comes our way, WE WILL DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER (that’s the “Setting your minds on things above”)!  Just because some kind of sickness or disease has come to get you to throw up your hands and quit is no reason or excuse to do so!  I know you’re hurting, but I’ve been commissioned to stir you up to press forward: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.  And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works (that’s doing God’s will and the strength to do it; love), not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together (that’s so important; meeting with your own company[family], those of like precious faith, strengthening each other…unto), as the manner of some, but exhorting one another, AND SO MUCH THE MORE AS YOU SEE THE DAY (return of the Lord) APPROACHING!” (Hebrews 10:23-25).

I’m not saying we shouldn’t stand against sickness or anything else the devil throws at us, for: “(we overcome) him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of (our) testimony, AND (WE DO) NOT LOVE (OUR) LIVES TO THE DEATH!” (Revelation 12:11).  If the enemy can keep us occupied running around putting out a bunch of fires, we’ll be too busy to do the work of God!  He knows his time is short and he’s frantically trying to stop this love-army from advancing…I’d rather split Heaven wide open beaten-up, bloodied and bruised, carrying with me the Master’s reward (souls, lives mended and restored by the power of God) than to split hell wide open having given up and quitting!

Are you with me?  Be encouraged, He said He would never leave you nor forsake you!  The pain doesn’t change the FACT you are healed by the stripes of Jesus, just don’t focus your attention on it—His grace is sufficient, to resist, yes; but also to endure!   It’s almost Supper time, don’t give up now!

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Come Up Here

Beloved: I heard myself asking this question (regarding the church): “Do you think He’ll raise you (us) up before He takes you up (into heaven)?”  Then the thought came to me regarding Revelation 1:10: “I heard…a loud voice, as of a trumpet.”  I think Jesus is speaking to His body pretty loudly in this hour things meant to prepare us for the ‘catching away’ (rapture).

Then some very stern corrections and directions were given to the Church in the verses to follow.  Chapter four verse one continues: “And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying ‘Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place…’”

I believe the Spirit of God is saying right now that we must first come up to where the Lord is, receive whatever correction we may need, then get our marching orders to go forth in the earth, doing the will of the Father, preparing the way for the return of the Lord.

“Where is the Lord?” you may ask.  For some it’s a secret.  But for those who will hear; He’s at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us.  The Throne Room of God is open for us to come boldly, that we may receive grace to help in this hour of need.

He’s coming back for a glorious Church, but I don’t think that means we’ll be absolutely perfect in everything.  If we’re a people striving to get it right, pressing in to God for the oil to fill our lamps that we may shine brightly with Him, the Glory He supplies will make up for where we lack in our imperfections!

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

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When I was a child and we went on vacation, my mother used to have several checklists she would use prior to our leaving the house. A checklist is a tool used to help remember important things to do or take care of. It helps you organize events or just your daily activities in order to ensure everything necessary is taken care of.

She would write things down like “be sure to stop the mail” or “lower the water-heater temperature before leaving.”  She would even make a list of items needed for the trip.

Why do I mention all of this? Because, we Christians (the true body of Christ) are about to leave this planet and the Lord has given us some check-lists in His Word that are necessary for our preparation to leave. Not only are they necessary to get us ready to leave, but they will enable us to experience some of Heaven while we’re still here waiting to go.

Resurrection Life

Scripture teaches that we, the believer in Christ, have been raised from the dead by the same resurrection power God the Father used to raise our Lord Jesus from the dead. That power is the Holy Spirit Himself and the book of Galatians gives us a couple of checklists that contrast our new life in the spirit as opposed to the old nature of the flesh.

These two lists are often called “the fruit of the spirit” and the “works of the flesh”. They both are indicators that help us distinguish which realm we’re operating in. Such as: the re-created human spirit, filled with the life of God (the Holy Spirit), will evidence love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Whereas, the carnal (fleshly) person will evidence adultery, fornication, uncleanness, licentiousness (morally unrest-rained), idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambition, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries.


That’s some pretty explicit stuff!!  Paul further wrote: “those who practice such things (the works of the flesh) will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Gal. 5:21b).  It might be better said this way: “those who are living this kind of life-style won’t be inheriting the kingdom of God.” He said practice, not something you’re struggling with and standing against!  If you have no concern over the sin in your life, I dare say the conviction of the Spirit isn’t present with you, “(for) if you are without chastening (correction that comes from the Father)…then you are illegitimate and not sons” (Heb. 12:8).  That’s the book!!

Another checklist found in the book of Colossians gives us a break down of idolatry (which is anything that’s put before God [one of the thou-shalt-not’s]). “Therefore put to death your members (carnal/fleshly desires) which are on the earth: fornication uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry” (Colo. 3:5).  These instructions are not meant to weigh us down, but to help us recognize which realm we’ve been operating in.

Paul himself declared his struggle with his flesh and how he kept doing the things he didn’t want to do, and gives us the answer to living free of the carnal nature. “Who will deliver me from this body of death?  I thank God—through Jesus Christ, our Lord …for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death…If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above (what things? the promises of God which will enable you to be a partaker of the divine nature), where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God…For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ (who is our life) in God” (Romans 7:24b-25a, 8:2 & Colo. 3:1[2 Peter 1:4], 3 & 4a).


The greatest checklist in the Word of God is found in 1st Corinthians 13: “Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.  It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly.  Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong]. It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.  Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]. Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end]” (1Corin. 13:4-8a  Amplified Bible). There’s a checklist for you!

I often refer to the Word of God as “the owners manual for life.”  After all, the ‘Manufacturer’ left it for us to know how it works.  If we’ll use these (and others in the Word) to order our lives by, then Jesus will be manifested to the world and glorified.  It’s not too hard, after all, you can do all things through Christ Who strengthens you!

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Choose the Breakthrough

I was awakened very early this morning. My spirit man (who I really am, the real me) was already praying in the spirit. This went on for some time, my flesh screaming at me to go back to sleep: “I’m tired, go back to sleep, I need rest!”

But the decision to serve the Lord as His bond-slave, as His vessel, to be used for His glory is increasingly before me — daily, as I confess it, pray it and meditate it EVERY DAY! So the decision was made to continue praying.

Suddenly the thought struck my heart and soul: WHAT IF THIS WERE THE DAY THE TRUMPET WOULD SOUND AND THE LORD CATCHES US AWAY? You know, beloved, one day will be just that day! AND FOREVER WE SHALL BE WITH THE LORD! Somebody shout HALLELUJAH!

Then the statement was posed to me: “Choose the Breakthrough.”

The floodgates of revelation from the Word of God opened and poured through me: Choose ye this day — How long halt ye between two opinions…if the Lord be God SERVE HIM — I would that ye be cold or hot (personally, I’m assigned to get you HOT for God!) — we have been made more than conquerors — this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith (which Jesus is the author and finisher of).

I think you get the point! The ball is in our courts! The victory belongs to us BUT WE HAVE TO POSSESS IT! We have all the ‘tools’ necessary — the Word of God, the Blood of Jesus, the Name of Jesus, the Spirit of God (Who is the Spirit of Grace, which enables us to do everything and anything within the Will of God for our lives!).

So, let me ask you this question: What are you waiting for? Or, rather: Who is waiting on who? (I just heard that one in my spirit). I’m not trying to condemn but provoke and inspire us all (yeah, I hear it first and get fired up!)!

I love each and every one of you, very much! Let’s prioritize our day, week, month and year to put the things of God first! Remember — eternity is just around the corner — perhaps today!

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By the Spirit

I was reading in Deuteronomy 1:6b, 7a “You have dwelt long enough at this mountain.  Turn and take your journey, and go…”

Now I don’t know about you, but the Holy Ghost got all over me with that one!  It’s time to get up from where we’ve been and go to where we’re going!

Next I was reading in Acts chapter one.  Luke (the writer of Acts BY the Holy Ghost) said of Jesus: “after He THROUGH the Holy Spirit had given commandments to the apostles…” (Acts 1:2).  In other words, if you were to read the last portions of each Gospel account where Jesus appeared to the apostles and instructed them your Bible says He did it BY / THROUGH the Holy Ghost.

Yes the very Holy Ghost Who brooded over the deep and brought about God’s desired result when He spoke…the same Spirit of God Who moved upon the holy men of old who prophesied the things to come concerning Jesus (not to mention the things that are still yet to happen)…the same Spirit of God that raised Jesus up from the dead that great resurrection morning! He’s the same Spirit of the Living God Who recreated your spirit when you called upon the name of the Lord to be saved and He’s the same Spirit of the Holy God Who is also called the Spirit of Grace Who will enable you and I to continue in what Jesus “began both to do and to teach!!!” (Acts 1:1).

He who has an ear to hear what the Spirit of the Living God is saying, LET HIM HEAR! He doesn’t need our qualifications, just our cooperation (availability).  Jesus is still working in the earth today THROUGH the Holy Spirit!  But if we’re still camped out at the last ‘mountain’ we met with God, then He’s calling us to get up, come out, and go forward in Him and His plan. Eternity is closer than when we first believed…is your lamp filled with oil and trimmed?  WATCH!  I heard that very clearly just now!

My greatest desire is first and foremost to walk with Jesus so closely that the Apostle John would be jealous!  But secondly I’d love to affect and infect you (and everybody I come in contact with) with the same intense desire!  It almost pains me (in my spirit that is)

Won’t you take just a moment, bow your heart before God and ask Him to search through you…He wants to work in you both to will and to do His good pleasure!

A dear friend of mine said these words to me a while back: “LOVE VIOLENTLY!”  Put that one on your mirror!  Violent love HAS TO ACT!  It cannot plunge its head in the sands of ‘business’ (that’s busy-ness) and pretend it isn’t aware of the suicide the world around them is committing!  To live today without Jesus involved in one’s life is to commit suicide!  Let’s fill His crown with jewels (souls)!!!

I love you all very much!  Let’s show Him our faith by our actions!

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All Are Christian?

I read portions of an article that disturbed me greatly.  The beginning of it was from a man writing to certain “authorities” in the “church” regarding whether all Catholics are Christians or not.  He said his son had come home one day after arguing with a pastor’s son who said they weren’t.  The response from these “authorities” was that all Catholics are Christians, but not all Christians are Catholics.

It’s not my job to get into any arguments with anybody, “but to love” (see Romans 13:8).  In fact Paul, writing to Timothy said: “But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife” (2 Timothy 2:23).  I’m not singling out the Catholic religion; any religion that teaches contrary to the Bible is in error.

My position on anything that pertains to the Kingdom of God or of Heaven is: the Word of God must be the standard by which we come to understand His realm. Secondly: if the point of discussion is not found clearly in God’s Word at least two or three times (multiple references in the Word) then don’t consider it for doctrine (what we teach to believe).

Having said that, let me point out a few scriptures on the subject: Jesus Himself said: “You must be born again” (see John 3:7); “having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the Word of God which lives and abides forever” (1 Peter 2:23).  “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17); “not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5); “for by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body” (1 Corinthians 12:13a).

If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll notice this isn’t an automatic thing; meaning, you cannot be part of the body of Christ (which is what being a Christian is) simply by the religious persuasion you were brought up with.  It’s a choice each of us has to make—to follow Him.  That’s what being a Christian is: a disciple of Christ (a disciplined follower of Christ).

Beloved, it is the last hour and there are many anti-Christ spirits influencing people to believe a lie, because Satan still wants to rule God’s creation; and he does it through deception.  I beg you, don’t take my word or anybody else’s where your eternity is concerned!  Get in the Book.  Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the truth—He will, that’s His job.  Remember: this life is only a vapor (meaning, it will last only a short time), but eternity is forever!  The choices we make right now will affect our “forever”.

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Aggressive Faith

This phrase came to me one afternoon while in prayer.  The definition: “Faith That Takes,” immediately followed.  Then the scripture Jesus Himself spoke: “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12), filled it with revelation.  This is not a  passive person who sits around waiting for the blessings of God to fall on them like ripe cherries fall from a tree.  The aggressive one will get up and do something!

The Lord has laid it on my heart concerning these days in which we are now living, how they must be filled with aggression.  Aggression for the things of God, that is.  Not tumult and terror, but faith filled, purpose driven, God inspired soul reaping and hell devastating!

Why does the kingdom of heaven suffer violence and is taken by violent force?  Because there is a real devil and he doesn’t want you or anybody to experience any of it!  But what of it?  Is Satan greater than God?  Is the enemy of all that is good stronger and wiser than the Creator of all that exists?    Never! 

Because of Adam’s treason in the Garden, Satan became the god of this world system.  Jesus’ obedient sacrifice reversed what happened, but the results aren’t automatic; you have to believe on Him (become a new creature through the new-birth) and then take possession of the promises listed in God’s word.  They’re not going to be realized in your life without a fight!  Aggression is required.

First: study of God’s Word is paramount.  Approach the Bible as a contract for life provided by the Master.  I like to call it the ‘Owners Manual’ for living.  If you want to understand how your new appliance or vehicle operates, you’ll open the provided manual and read about it.  The word of God is God’s instruction book for how life works; compliance will experience optimum results!

Revelation is the strength of the faith that has come by reading and hearing the Word of God and gives inspiration to act on it.  Aggressive Faith is the faith that will take possession of what you’ve read and heard.

Passivity will quench the light of that revelation; just sitting and doing nothing with God’s instruction!  “If it’s God’s will I’ll…”  Phooey on that!  If you’ve got ‘black and white’ on something — DO IT!  The devil would love for the Body of Christ to just keep on waiting for God to do something!

“I sure hope God sends Revival soon.”  That kind of thing has kept the Spirit of God boxed in and imprisoned for centuries now!  He’s always ready to move!  He’s always looking to perform His word!  His eyes are always roaming to and fro to show Himself strong on behalf of anyone’s heart that’s loyal toward Him!  Aggressive Faith will call to Him from anywhere and bring Him on the scene; and when He’s around, He’s got everything you could ever need!

The Gates of Hell

Jesus said the gates of hell would not prevail against the Church (see Matthew 16:18).  In the past that phrase has implied the activity of hell (sickness, poverty and turmoil);  and I agree! But another side of that coin is this: at the fall of man, darkness (hell) enclosed the earth like a wall would enclose a city to fortify it.  A fortified city has gates to go in and out through.  The victory Jesus gained by shedding His blood and being raised from the dead obtained the keys to those gates (see Revelation 1:18)!

Hell cannot dole out anything the blood of Jesus hasn’t already overcome!!  In fact, the Scriptures say: “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil!” (1 John 3:8b, see also Hebrews 2:14-18).  The work is already done; the victory already won!  We’ve been made more than conquerors through Him that loved us (Romans 8:37)!

I mention the gates of hell because everything that pertains to life here on this earth is on one side or the other of those gates: loved ones, prosperity in all forms; all that God created and put on this planet for His children to richly enjoy is either in your possession (this side of those gates) or waiting to be possessed (the other side of those gates).  Aggressive faith will bust through those gates and possess what Jesus shed His blood for!

NOT — “If it be thy will!”

Once you’ve established in your heart what God’s will is, then go after it with everything you’ve got! — Be aggressive!  He’ll back you and see to your success!!


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