In our prior discussion regarding ‘tongues’ we mentioned:

  • “Speaking in tongues is a Kingdom benefit, not a Salvation requirement”
  • “Speaking in tongues makes our physical tongue available to the Holy Spirit to pray/speak to God about something we don’t have knowledge of”
  • “Speaking in tongues brings one into a place of rest, and causes a refreshing in their lives”
  • “Like everything in the Kingdom of God – you only have to ask to be filled with the Spirit” (which will result in/with speaking in tongues)
  • [Speaking in tongues] “is certainly one of the greatest tools God has given to His Body to excel over darkness these Last Days”
  • “Speaking in other tongues will enhance your worship experience – the urge for intimacy with God can (begin to) be satisfied through this benefit”
  • “Paul declared ‘I wish you all spoke with tongues; do not forbid to speak with tongues’” (1Cor.14:a, 39b)

For the exposition of each of these points please read the prior article “About Tongues.” I only mentioned them to get the ball rolling to bring further clarification regarding tongues and the benefit(s) of their practice.

I’d like to point out when this Kingdom benefit is spoken of it’s not referred to as a ‘language’ [religious tradition has called speaking in tongues a Heavenly language – but it’s not a ‘language’ as we know languages: Italian, French, Chinese and so forth – it’s a ‘tongue,’ utterance given by the Holy Spirit through our inner-man]. Natural, human, languages typically have a direct translation from the one language to another (maybe not word for word, but overall communication can be made through translation). Speaking in a spiritual ‘tongue’ the understanding of what is said comes through interpretation – and that by the Holy Spirit. I know I’m ruffling some feathers here, but stay with me. By the anointing of the Holy Ghost I’ll be able to adequately expound on this statement, and you (the reader) will gain illumination – which will empower one to march boldly in these Last Days!

Let me explain: when the Holy Spirit is giving someone utterance to speak/pray about something, for us to understand what is being said/prayed for we need for Him to interpret for us. It’s not a word for word translation. This explains why our ‘tongues’ can ‘sound’ exactly the same from one time to another, yet something completely different is being prayed for/spoken. It’s a spiritual activity. This activity can accomplish any one, or more, of the following:

  • Simple spirit-exercise: this can be initiated by the believer at any time, which will build-up the spirit-man (like going to the gym builds-up our muscles).
  • Praying to God about something one doesn’t know how to pray for. We know we need to pray about a thing, but don’t seem to know how/what to pray for it – The Holy Spirit will give us the utterance needed to get the job done.
  • Communing with God out of a heart of love by the inspiration of the Spirit.
  • Public manifestation of speaking in tongues is as the Spirit wills and requires (the gift of) the interpretation of tongues to profit the assembly.

These all will ‘sound’ the same to our natural ear, but the Holy Spirit will cause them to be uttered according to their needed purpose. As time goes on and we develop these things of the Spirit, we’ll become more accurate and skillful in their operations. Each instance builds-up the believer exercising them, which helps one to grow-up in the things of God.


Jesus didn’t begin His earthly ministry until He was filled with the Holy Spirit (see Matthew 3:16, Mark 1:10, Luke 3:22). The terms ‘baptized with,’ ‘poured out on,’ and ‘filled with’ are all different ways to talk about the same experience with the Holy Spirit. At the New Birth it is the Holy Spirit Who makes one a ‘New Creature’ (2Cor.5:17) by “the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5); however, subsequent to that experience, The Master has commanded us to be “endued with Power from on High” (Luke 24:49). This ‘endowment’ is what makes available the Supernatural ‘tools’ necessary to demonstrate the involvement of Heaven here on earth: “But the manifestation of the Spirit (the ‘tools’) is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues” (1Co 12:7-10). I made mention of each ‘tool’ to show what is available to every Believer who has been ‘endued’ with the Power of God through being filled (baptized) with the Holy Spirit. For this teaching we’ll only be discussing in detail ‘speaking in tongues.’

Remember Acts 2:4 tells us the disciples spoke in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance (other references in the Book of Acts that mention speaking in tongues once filled with the Holy Spirit include 10:46 and 19:6). How does the Spirit do that? Does He tell our inner-man what to say (like ‘tell so-and-so this,’ or ‘say such-and-such’), then our inner-man tells our minds what to say? No. The utterance comes as a divine influence. We’ll call this influence the individual’s personal ‘tongue/utterance.’


Once one is ‘filled with’, or ‘baptized in’ the Holy Spirit each ‘variety’ of tongues becomes available. This is the initial evidence, or sign, that one has received the infilling of the Holy Spirit (has been Baptized in the Holy Spirit). We could say the Spirits’ initial involvement ‘flavors’ the individual’s speech. Like when one adds sugar to tea making it ‘sweet tea’; it’s still tea, but now the influence of sugar has made it ‘sweet tea.’ When speaking in a tongue by the Spirit, we’re still doing the speaking, but it’s ‘influenced’ (or inspired) by the Holy Spirit giving the utterance.

This is why we don’t hear anybody from a religious denomination that talks against being baptized with the Holy Spirit ever speak in other tongues! The enemy has convinced many that speaking in tongues is of the devil. But, my friend, I’m giving many adequate – Scriptural – instances of the importance this blessing from God brings into our lives! This action is one of the greatest ‘tools’ God has given us [this discussion can be difficult to understand; one must read this with their heart (inner-man) and not with their head (natural understanding). This is portrayed in 1Corinthians chapter 2 in detail.]


Let’s go on. We’ve already talked about ‘speaking mysteries’ when we speak in tongues: “For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries” (1Co 14:2). Paul doesn’t leave us there though, he further instructs: “Therefore let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret” (1Co 14:13). That correlates with the instruction found in Romans 8: “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God” (Rom 8:26-27).

There’s much that needs to be unpacked in this passage:

  1. The word ‘weaknesses’ here means (our) inability to produce results.
  2. ‘groanings which cannot be uttered’ is further depicted in the Greek ‘in articulate speech.’ In other words, natural human language cannot express it, that’s why a Spiritual ‘tongue’ is necessary.
  3. Intercession for the saints is made according to the will of God: mysteries spoken in prayer – one is enabled to pray for someone else without prior knowledge of their need (the Spirit knows “the end from the beginning”!).

Another ‘sacred-cow’ I’d like to topple here is what comes next: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Rom 8:28). The religious concept that I want to defy here is the blanket statement people make: “Well, you know, God works all things together for our good” (which often leaves one disgruntled with God and/or confused). The Law of Doctrine commands us to never take things out of context to make Scripture say something it actually does not. Paul, writing to Timothy, said: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2Ti 2:15, italics mine for emphasis). If Scripture can be ‘rightly divided’ then it can be wrongly divided as well. This is why there are so many different religious interpretations (doctrines) that result in dividing the Body of Christ, instead of unifying us.

The context in Romans 8 where Paul said that in verse 28 is talking about being led by the Spirit, and praying out mysteries in tongues. The person who practices such spiritual activity in their daily lives can expect the leading of God, Who will in turn cause all things to work together for our good when we cooperate with His directive (as a doer of His Word). Paul wrote to the Ephesian church: “For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live]” (Eph 2:10, AMPC). However these blessed paths are not discovered by anyone who spends no time communing with God, and aligning their lives with His Plan for them! – Praying in the Spirit (which is another way of saying praying in tongues) is the ‘tool’ we all have at our disposal to align our lives with the Plan of God. The Plan of God is a mystery hidden in God for us, not from us!

When one receives revelation of the Word, faith is the result. Speaking in tongues is like ‘fanning the flames’ of those revelations we have deposited in our hearts; the result? We ‘feel’ supercharged. [I put ‘feel’ like that because it’s a spiritual ‘feeling’ that results in the strength of the Lord. This strength empowers us to charge through our daily lives like a bull chasing a red-flag!]

I’ve been calling these activities ‘tools’ because they are given to the Body of Christ to accomplish the Will of God in various situations. They are available for ministering to others. The Lord once spoke to me regarding these ‘manifestations (gifts)’ in this way: “The gifts of the Spirit are for ministering to others Kingdom Benefits; the Promises of God will manifest the same result(s) for anyone who believes and receives them.” In other words, the gifts are ministered from one individual to another, as the Spirit wills; the Promises make available the same benefits for every believer to obtain on their own (see 2Pe 1:2-4).


One of the greatest benefits speaking in tongues makes available (besides building-up our inner-man) is distinguishing between our soul and spirit. Mankind is a triune being, we are a spirit, we have a soul (mind-will-emotions), and we live in a body. Our ‘soulish-man’ is so closely related to our ‘spirit-man’ that the Bible says it can only be divided by the Word of God: “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Heb 4:12).

From the time we are born into this world we are programmed with the thoughts of the world – through our parental upbringing, social influence (news media, television shows and movies) and so forth. Through the prophet Isaiah God said: “‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,’ says the LORD” (Isa 55:8). Once we become a believer in Christ we have the necessary job of transforming our thoughts be be like His. This process will result in producing faith in our hearts, and speaking in tongues will enhance it! While we are being built-up on our ‘most holy faith’ we are also becoming aware of the difference between what is of our spirit-man and what is of our soulish-man. The more one exercises their spirit-man through speaking in tongues, the more aware they become of the difference between soul and spirit.


Let’s wrap-up this discussion with these bullet points:

  • Speaking in tongues is a spiritual exercise made available to any Believer who has been baptized in/with the Holy Spirit.
  • Speaking in tongues will build-up (strengthen) the individual on their “most holy faith” (revelations they’ve received through study of the Word).
  • Praying in tongues enables one to ‘pray-out’ mysteries and to pray for others for something they have not become aware of.
  • Speaking in tongues helps one differentiate between what is of their soul and spirit (which is where communications from God occur).  
  • Speaking in tongues is an utterance influenced by the Spirit of God and not a language. A language can have a word for word translation, tongues is a direct communication to/from God. To understand what has been said one must receive an interpretation (which explains why speaking in tongues can ‘sound’ like one is saying the same thing as before, yet something different is being ‘said’ in the Spirit).

About Mike

I'm a Jesus freak who loves to incite others to fall in love with Him too. Born-Again at 26, I've served Him more than half of my life and look forward to our blessed after-life (which I believe is soon!!). My greatest desire is to infect and affect others with the same eternal perspective.
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